Training Classes

Class tuition starting at $139

Group classes offer a small group setting with 4 levels of obedience as well as Trick classes and AKC programs!

Classes for Everyone!

Begin your dog’s education by enrolling in Puppy Essentials for dogs under 6 months or Beginner Essentials for dogs 6 months and older. No dog is too old to begin their education!

Advance your dog into Advanced Puppy, Key Fundamentals, and Ultimate Companion courses to further their education while continuing to bond in a positive, fun way!

The first levels of classes are $139 plus tax for ALL 6 weeks, a homework/informational packet, and a medal upon completion of class. The Ultimate Companion includes all the above PLUS an opportunity for your dog to earn their Canine Good Citizen for only $5 more!

Other fun courses such as Tricked Out Doggies, and Urban Canine vary on length but are packed full of fun and learning for both handler and pooch!

Click the "Enroll Here" button to create yourself a profile! Once created - click on request services and choose group classes to view our upcoming options. You can also check out our calendar for start dates - Only the start dates of classes are listed. You pick the day and time that best fits your schedule and continue on that same day and time each week for the remainder of your class!

*Class sizes are limited

Offering the below training classes:

  • Puppy Essentials
  • Advanced Puppy
  • Beginner Essentials
  • Key Fundamentals
  • Ultimate Companion
  • Tricked Out Doggie
  • AKC Trick Dog
  • CGC Urban
  • AKC Star Puppy


This calendar shows only the start date of the class! It will run for 5 additional weeks from the date listed here.